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30-year-old Counterattack
SUN Yuanping 孙元平,
Beijing United Publishing Co., Ltd
185 x 130mm
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Special Price £17.04 £17.04 Regular Price £17.95
Jin Zhihui, who is just 30 years old, lives a life of ordinary and routine like most girls. This year, she had been in the company for nearly ten months of internship, but she was not able to get a regular job. In order to get a chance to become a regular employee, apart from working hard, she also has to endure the guidance of her boss to female employees. As a result, she lied to have a meal with her 'boyfriend' during lunch time, and then had a simple meal in the abandoned small square alone, which became a respite from her work. Jin Zhihui, who has been very depressed at work, still suffers from his younger brother's sarcasm at home. After finally meeting with college friends, I thought I could get relief from friends. Who knows that the girl who was once full of ideals now only has the daily trivial complaints about her marriage. In the complaints of her friends, she had already seen her future in a trance. At the age of 30, when it seemed that defeat was set, an accident caused waves in Jin Zhihui’s quiet life. Since then, a series of chain reactions have been triggered. She gradually realized that she could not really live like this, and she wanted to control her own life. , You must launch a counterattack, any time, any age...
Sun Yuanping is a Korean novelist, film director and screenwriter. Born in Seoul, South Korea in 1979, he studied sociology and philosophy at Sogang University, and then majored in film director at the Korean Academy of Film Art. In 2001, he won the 6th 'Cine21' Film Critics Award; in 2006, he won the Best Screenplay Award for 'Believe in a Moment' in the 3rd Sci-Fi Creation Competition. In addition, she wrote and directed several short films such as 'The Cruel World' and 'Your Meaning'. Her first feature-length film 'Invader' was released in 2020. With his first novel 'Almonds', the author won the 10th Chuangban Youth Literature Award, and has since entered the literary world. The second novel 'The 30-year-old Strikes Back' won the 5th Jeju 4•3 Peace Literature Award.