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China Focus - Chinese Audiovisual-Speaking Course (Advanced Level) Vol. 2

中国微镜头:汉语视听说系列教材 高级(下)
WANG Tao 王涛,
Beijing Language & Culture University Press
English, Chinese
0 x 0mm
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China Focus is a set of comprehensive Chinese teaching materials specially designed for the Chinese audiovisual-speaking course. The video clips are extracted from contemporary Chinese social hot issues, feature programs, news, sitcoms, documentaries, talk shows, interviews, entertainment programs, films and TV plays, micro films, etc. Using abundant online video resources, it builds a natural-language-based classroom teaching environment. While meeting students’ learning interest and self-development needs, it can stimulate their learning enthusiasm and initiative to the greatest extent. This set of textbooks gives full play to the Chinese audiovisual-speaking course’s function of being a window to the society, promoting the integration of language learning and cultural understanding. This is volume 2 of the advanced level, including five lessons on life, literature, science, society and finance. Following the pre-class, in-class and post-class goals, each unit of the course is divided into six parts, i.e., warm-up, intensive watching and listening, extensive watching and listening, enjoying the song, language practice, and learning notes.
Wang Tao, the Deputy Director of Center for Audiovisual-Speaking Teaching of the School of Chinese at Beijing International Studies University, is the lead author of “China Focus: Chinese Audiovisual-Speaking Course”. He focuses his research areas on mixed teaching mode, integrated media teaching resources and video corpus construction. He won the champion in the Contest of Young Teachers of Beijing International Studies University and got the first prize in the Multimedia Education Software Contest of Beijing. The textbooks he compiled and the courses he taught have respectively won the High-quality Undergraduate Textbook Award of Beijing Universities and the High-quality Undergraduate Course Award of Beijing Universities.
《中国微镜头:汉语视听说系列教材》是一套专门针对汉语视听说课程设计的立体化综合语言教材。视频素材选自能反应当代中国社会热点的专题片、新闻、生活情景剧、纪录片、脱口秀、访谈、娱乐节目、影视剧、微电影等内容。丰富的线上视频资源为学习者搭建起了基于自然语言的课堂教学环境,在满足学生的学习兴趣和自我发展需求的同时,可以最大程度地激发其学习的积极性与主动性。本套教材可以充分发挥视听说课程的“社会窗口”作用,促进语言学习与文化理解的有机融合。 本册是高级下册,内容包括生活篇、文学篇、科技篇、社会篇、财经篇等5课。每个课程单元按课前、课中、课后任务目标进行教学设计,具体分为热身、精视精听、扩展视听、歌曲欣赏、语言实践、学习笔记6个部分。