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China Statistical Yearbook 2009

National Bureau of Statistics of China
China Statistics Press
298 x 214mm
On OrderTo be dispatched within 4 weeks
Special Price £171.00 £171.00 Regular Price £180.95
China Statistical Yearbook£­2009 is an annual statistical publication, which reflects comprehensively the economic and social development of China. It covers data for 2008 and key statistical data in the most recent thirty years and some historically important years at the national level and the local levels of province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government.

The Yearbook contains twenty-four chapters : 1. General Survey; 2. National Accounts; 3. Population; 4. Employment and Wages; 5. Investment in Fixed Assets; 6. Energy; 7. Government Finance; 8. Price Indices; 9. People's Living Conditions; 10. General Survey of Cities; 11. Resources and Environment; 12. Agriculture; 13. Industry; 14. Construction; 15. Transport, Postal and Telecommunication Services; 16. Domestic Trade; 17. Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation; 18. Tourism; 19. Financial Intermediation; 20. Education, Science and Technology; 21.Culture, Sports and Public Health; 22. Other Social Activities; 23. Main Social and Economic Indicators of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR); 24. Main Social and Economic Indicators of Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR). Two chapters listed as Appendices are Main Social and Economic Indicators of Taiwan Province and A Comparison of Indicators of Economy and Society among the People's Republic of China and Other Countries/Areas.

To facilitate readers, the Brief Introduction at the beginning of each chapter provides a summary of the main contents of the chapter, data sources, statistical scope, statistical methods and historical changes. At the end of each chapter, Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators are included.

China Statistical Yearbook 2009 is a Chinese-English bilingual version. One CD-rom with excel files and html files was attached at the yearbook.