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Chinese Grammar Activities for the Classroom

WANG Yanfei 王燕飞, WU Yingzi 伍英姿, WANG Li 王莉
Beijing Language & Culture University Press
English, Chinese
260 x 185mm
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Chinese Grammar Activities for the Classroom focuses on common pedagogical grammar points and, to meet the requirements in the grammar part of the test syllabus of the Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, emphasizes “communicative classroom activities”, providing nearly 120 communicative classroom activities for international Chinese teachers, which cover most of the elementary level grammar items and are compatible with the grammar part of most Chinese language textbooks. The grammar-oriented classroom activities come in a wide variety of types and simulate real communicative situations, providing students with plenty of opportunities to practice so that they may further understand the context for using specific grammar items in communication. Teachers may choose activities in the book according to the specific grammar points they are teaching. Each grammar point is provided with a simple explanation, a summary of expressions, and a group of example sentences; each activity is specified in terms of its name, goal, time, preparations, steps, and suggestions, among which the preparations are twofold: resource preparations (via the QR code on the back cover) and language preparations (pre-activity grammar practice). Teachers may also design their own classroom activities using this book as a reference.
Wang Yanfei, Ph.D. in TCSOL and Notre Dame visiting scholar, is a veteran TCSOL teacher and researcher in South China Normal University with 16 years’ experience in the field. As a TCSOL researcher, Dr. Wang has nurtured a deep understanding of Chinese grammar, grammar errors, and grammar teaching. Wang is also a teacher trainer who has been to many countries to do Chinese language teacher training. Wu Yingzi, Ph.D. in literature, is an associate professor and postgraduate supervisor in the College of International Culture, South China Normal University. Dr. Wu has been a CFL teacher for 15 years, whose courses come in different types and levels and are popular among students. Wu is particularly good at the design and organization of elementary Chinese grammar activities. Wang Li, with a master’s degree in modern Chinese grammar and a bachelor’s in CFL, has been a CFL teacher in South China Normal University for 25 years, all the while teaching elementary level comprehensive Chinese course. Ms. Wang has been to Canada twice as the Chinese principal and a Chinese teacher in the Confucius Institute in Coquitlam. She has qualifications requisite for interviewers of the Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages and selectors of Hanban volunteer teachers. Wang Meng, with a master’s degree in education from Flinders University (Australia), is a lecturer in the College of International Culture, South China Normal University, and a trainer of pre-service Chinese language teachers to be sent overseas. He has acquired the Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. As a 10-year veteran in teaching CFL, Wang Meng is popular among students for his easy and humorous teaching style and his readiness to try new teaching methods or classroom activities.
王燕飞 华南师范大学汉语国际教育博士,南开大学语言学及应用语言学硕士,圣母大学访问学者。研究方向为汉语国际教育,对汉语语法本体、语法偏误和语法教学有较深刻的认识和研究。在华南师范大学从事汉语国际教育16年,具有丰富的教学经验、教师培训经验和教学指导经验,为华文教师证书培训师,曾赴缅甸、印尼、泰国、菲律宾、巴西、巴拿马等国进行华文师资培训。伍英姿 华南师范大学国际文化学院副教授,硕士生导师,文学博士,主要研究方向为第二语言教学理论、文学文化研究。从事对外汉语教学近15年,一直在教学一线,承担不同层级不同课型教学,具有丰富的教学经验,尤其擅长初级汉语语法活动的设计与组织,教学效果优秀,深受学生喜爱。王 莉 北京语言大学对外汉语专业本科,硕士研究方向为现代汉语语法。在华南师范大学从事对外汉语教学25年,长期教授初级汉语综合课。曾两度赴加拿大担任加拿大高贵林孔子学院中方负责人及汉语教师。具有国际汉语教师资格证书面试考官资格和国家汉办志愿者选拔考官资格。王 猛 华南师范大学国际文化学院讲师,澳大利亚弗林德斯大学教育学硕士,国务院侨办、广东省侨办海外外派华文教师岗前培训班讲师,获得《国际汉语教师资格证书》。从事对外汉语教学工作10年,授课风格轻松幽默,课堂气氛活跃,愿意尝试新的教学方法或课堂活动,调动学生学习积极性,深受学生喜爱。