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Chinese Symbols and Icons - Read About China Series (Intermediate)

Catarina WONG
Commercial Press Hong Kong
English, Chinese
210 x 140mm
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In Western countries, creatures such as dragons and bats are seen as signs of evil. However, in China, they are associated with prosperity and fortune. This fascinating set of 12 essays includes the importance of auspicious animals, the influence of Taichi, the important roles of deities, and much more. These readings enable the student to possess a solid grasp of the important symbols and cultural icons in the shaping of the Chinese society. Characters and symbols reflect the philosophy behind a culture. This book uses succinct Chinese text to introduce the meaning of 12 common symbols. Symbols and icons like Dragon, Phoenix, the Taichi symbol, double happiness 喜喜, Chinese knotting and the door gods will allow readers to have a deeper understanding of the Chinese culture, alongside the life and philosophy of Chinese people. Our main diction and vocabulary are based on the HSK. This book belongs to the intermediate level of our Read about China series, equivalent to the intermediate level of HSK and suitable for people who are preparing for the AP Chinese examination. - Every story starts with some brief questions, which challenge your curiosity so that after reading the story you will feel a deeper impact. - Each story is divided into short paragraphs making reading and comprehension of the content easier. - To facilitate understanding of the content, Hanyu Pinyin (romanised Chinese), English translation and explanation of vocabulary are attached. - More background of the stories have been included in Expansion Reading. - Mind challenging games are included as well.
本书选取了十二个外国人常会接触或有所闻的中国图符为主题,包括:十二生肖、龙、凤、太极图、八卦、红双囍、福、寿、中国结、门神、狮子和玉。 每主题下有三篇短小的中文文章从不同角度介绍主题,让汉语学习者在锻练阅读能力之余下了解这些图符与中国人生活和文化的关系。 系列简介 这是一套专为以英语为母语的汉语学习者而设的阅读丛书。系列包括中国文化、中国国情、精选名著、中国图符、英雄人物……等等各种认识中国文化不能或缺的主题,让读者在享受阅读乐趣的同时,从不同角度加深对中国文化的了解。内容编排带给读者立体的阅读经验,以文章为主体,关联学习字词,每篇均具有英文译文,延伸知识及遊戏。