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Developing Chinese - Advanced Writing Course vol.1

发展汉语 - 高级写作1
CEN Yuzhen
Beijing Language & Culture University Press
English, Chinese
278 x 206mm
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Developing Chinese (2nd Edition) is a set of nationally planned textbook for higher education during the “Eleventh Five-Year”. Based on the well-designed structure of the first edition, this edition adds more elements in tune with the times. It includes 28 volumes with altogether 34 books. Combining the cultivation of integrated language skills with the training of specific language skills in its compilation, this set of textbooks can be divided into three levels (elementary, intermediate and advanced) and five series (comprehensive, listening, speaking, reading and writing), among which the comprehensive series is the bulk and the others are the accompanying series. The overall purpose is to develop and improve the students’ Chinese language skills, Chinese communication skills, integrated Chinese capabilities as well as enhance their interest and ability in learning Chinese. Advanced Writing Course (Ⅰ), following Intermediate Writing Course (Ⅱ), is suitable for students who have finished learning Intermediate Writing Course (Ⅱ) or textbooks of the equivalent level, have accumulated about 3,000-3,500 Chinese words and are familiar with the common ways of expression in the written language. There are altogether 12 lessons, each of which takes 2-4 class hours. The whole book centers around the current hot topics or topics that are closely related to students themselves. Through discussing and studying the model composition, students can gradually master the key points about writing taught in each lesson and improve their writing skills. Meanwhile, sections like “read and practice” and “exercises for reference” are designed to help students further develop and reinforce their writing skills. The model compositions are interesting, practical and highly imitable; with a progressive increase in depth, the exercises are highly relevant to the key points about writing; the writing task after each lesson is properly designed. By learning this book, students will develop an increasing desire to write in Chinese. The sections in the book are clearly marked, which can facilitate teachers' use.
Cen Yuzhen is an associate professor in the School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China. Ms. Cen graduated from the Chinese Department of Beijing Normal University in 1983 and has been teaching Chinese as a foreign language since 1987. She was in charge of the development of Dictionary of Practical Chinese Adverbs and participated in the compilation of the book Analysis of the Difficult Grammar points in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, both of which are Hanban research projects. She has published many papers, including 'Observation and Analysis of the Semantic Meaning and Usage of the Word ‘轻易’'.
《发展汉语》(第二版)为普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,在继承原版《发展汉语》良好架构的基础上,与时俱进。本套教材采取“综合语言能力培养与专项语言技能训练相结合”的外语教学及教材编写模式,分为“三个层级、五个系列”,即纵向分为初、中、高三个层次,横向分为综合、听、说、读、写五个系列。其中,综合系列为主干教材,口语、听力、阅读、写作系列为配套教材。本套教材的总体目标是全面发展和提高学习者的汉语语言能力、汉语交际能力、汉语综合运用能力和汉语学习兴趣、汉语学习能力。   本册为《发展汉语(第二版)高级写作(Ⅰ)》,是《发展汉语(第二版)中级写作(Ⅱ)》的晋级衔接教材,适合学过《发展汉语(第二版)中级写作(Ⅱ)》或与此等级相当的课本、已累积3000~3500个左右汉语词汇、熟悉常见的书面语体表达方式的学习者使用。共12课,每课用2~4课时完成。全书围绕当前社会热点话题及与学生紧密相关的话题展开,通过写作范文的讨论与学习,逐步引导学生掌握本课写作知识要点,提升写作技能,同时,围绕话题设置“边读边练、参考练习”等环节,进一步训练、巩固学生的写作技能。范文趣味性、实用性和可模仿性强,练习紧扣写作要点展开,并由浅入深,课后作文布置得当。通过使用本教材,学习者可不断增强汉语写作的欲望。全书各教学环节标识清晰,也非常方便教师教学。