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Easy Steps to Chinese for Kids (2nd Edition) Workbook 1

Yamin MA 马亚敏,
Beijing Language & Culture University Press
English, Chinese
0 x 0mm
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Some major differences between the first and second editions:

■ Pinyin is not taught in the second edition any more as children have the ability to acquire pronunciation naturally.

■ In the second edition, 61 simple characters are formally taught, compared to 28 simple characters in the first edition. Learning simple characters is the “stepping stone” for learning Chinese characters. Once a certain number of simple characters are mastered, students will learn compound characters more easily and confidently. The teacher should encourage students to memorize the pronunciation, shape and meaning of each simple character.

■ In the second edition, listening skills are no longer practiced separately, but combined with various speaking exercises.

■ The second edition puts more emphasis on the integration of language learning with other subjects in primary school. For example, maths is a compulsory subject for primary school students and memorizing the times table is the secret of learning maths well. Learning and memorizing the times table can not only help students master the usage of numbers in Chinese, but also enable them to learn multiplication with more ease. This is killing two birds with one stone and getting twice the result with half the effort.
Ms. Yamin Ma has an M.Ed. in Curriculum Design and Instruction from Queen’s University, Canada. She used to teach English at both secondary and university levels in Shanghai (China), Hong Kong (China) and Kingston (Canada) for over 10 years and has taught Chinese at primary and secondary levels in Hong Kong (China) for more than 20 years. Ms. Ma has been the Head of the Chinese Department in Island School (located in Hong Kong, China) for over two decades and has taught IGCSE, AS/A-Levels and IB Language B courses.

■ 第二版不再在少儿学习阶段教授拼音,因为儿童具备自然习得语音的能力。

■ 第二版正式教授了61 个独体字,而在第一版中只有28 个。学会独体字是学习汉字的“敲门砖”。一旦掌握了一定数量的独体字,学生再学合体字就更容易、更自信了。老师应鼓励学生熟记每个独体字的发音、字形及字义。

■ 第二版中听力练习不再单独设置,而是与各种形式的口语练习相结合,进行听说整体训练。

■ 第二版更强调语言学习与小学阶段其他学科的学习有机结合。例如:数学是小学生的必修课,而熟记中文乘法口诀是学好数学的秘诀。学习和熟记乘法口诀不仅能够帮助学生熟练掌握中文的数字用法,还能让学生更容易地学习乘法,真可谓一举两得,事半功倍。
马亚敏,于加拿大女王大学(Queen’s University)获得教育硕士,主修课程设计及教学。在过去30余年的教育生涯中,她先后在中国上海、中国香港和加拿大金斯顿的中学和大学教授过十余年英语,并在中国香港的国际学校(小学和中学)教授过二十多年汉语。她在中国香港的港岛中学担任中文部主任二十余年,教授过IGCSE、AS/A-Levels和IB语言B课程。