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Gongbi mei lan zhu ju: Gongbi jifa jiexi yu yuanda huagao
Yunquan Chen,Hanzhang Chen
Zhejiang People's Publishing House
418 x 284mm
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A. A selection of meticulous works, with traditional and elegant painting methods, and easy to enter content, step by step, is a good textbook for learning the basic techniques of Chinese painting.
B. Each book is equipped with basic knowledge introduction, including line drawing method, drafting method, color setting method, glue adjustment and alum, etc., easy to get started with meticulous painting.
C. Selection of delicate matte powder paper, non-reflective, folding design, original large white drawing sketches are intuitive and clear, and can be directly copied on paper.
D. High-definition drawings with drawings, dedicated to the reproduction of the original. The text analysis in the steps is concise and clear. The colors involved are referenced by color cards, and the pictures and texts coexist at a glance.
Chen Yunquan, pen name Shi Quan, is currently a professor of Hubei Academy of Fine Arts, visiting professor of many universities, master tutor, painter of Modern Meticulous Painting Academy, specially appointed painter of Hubei Academy of Fine Arts, member of Chinese Artists Association, director of Hubei Artists Association, Chinese painting of Hubei Province Deputy Director of the Arts Committee. His works have won more than ten awards such as the Silver Award of the 7th National Art Exhibition, the Excellent Work Award of the Ministry of Culture, the Academic Award of the Chinese Painter, and the Art and Star Award. He has held several personal art exhibitions at home and abroad and participated in various large-scale academic exchange activities. He has published more than 20 academic monographs and monographs such as 'The Teaching Series of Contemporary Chinese Painting Masters in Contemporary Colleges and Universities-Chen Yunquan's Textbook', 'Masters' Descriptions-Chen Yunquan', 'Meticulous Flower and Bird Painting Copy and Sketch Creation-Chen Yunquan' Some works have been collected by museums, art galleries, Chinese painting research institutions and Chinese embassies abroad.Chen Hanzhang, born in Shashi, Hubei in October 1992, graduated from the Chinese Painting Department of Hubei Academy of Fine Arts. Now studying at the Graduate School of the China Academy of Art, under the tutelage of Mr. Lin Ruoxi, he is engaged in the study of meticulous painting. The third of the series of Meticulous Paintings 'Those Flowers' won the Silver Award of the 5th Hubei College Students Art Festival. His works have been published by China Calligraphy and Painting Newspaper many times, and he participated in the compilation of 'Limitation of Flower and Bird Paintings and Sketch Creation'
A、精选工笔作品,题材喜闻乐见,画法传统典雅,内容由易入难,循序渐进,是学习国画基础技法的好教材。 B、每本书中配有基础知识介绍,包括线描画法、过稿方式、设色方法、调胶调矾等,工笔画轻松入门。 C、精选细腻哑粉纸,不反光,折页设计,原大白描画稿直观清晰,可直接覆纸临摹。 D、画稿高清带步骤图,致力原作再现,步骤中文字解析简练清晰,涉及到的颜色有色卡参考,图文并存,一目了然。
陈运权 笔名石泉,现为湖北美术学院教授、多所大学客座教授、硕士生导师,现代工笔画院画家、湖北省美术院特聘画家,中国美术家协会会员、湖北省美术家协会理事、湖北省中国画艺委会副主任。作品曾获第七届全国美展银质奖、文化部优秀作品奖、国画家学术奖、文艺明星奖等十余个奖项。曾数次在国内外举办个人画展,参加多种大型学术交流活动。出版有《当代高等院校中国画名家教学系列——陈运权课稿》《名家白描——陈运权》《工笔花鸟画临摹与写生创作——陈运权》等学术专集、专著二十余部。有作品被博物馆、美术馆、中国画研究机构及中国驻外使馆机构收藏。                                                                         陈含章 1992年10月生于湖北沙市,毕业于湖北美术学院中国画系。现就读于中国艺术研究院研究生院,师从林若熹先生,从事工笔画学研究。工笔画《那些花儿》系列之三获湖北省第五届大学生艺术节银奖,作品多次被中国书画报登载,参与编写了《工笔花鸟画临摹与写生创作》。