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Languages and Learners: Making the Matchis (5th Edition)

语言与学习者:国际语言课堂教学指南 (第5版)
Helena Curtain 海伦娜• 柯顿, Carol Ann Dahlberg 卡罗尔• 安• 达尔伯格,
Beijing Language & Culture University Press
English, Chinese
260 x 185mm
On OrderTo be dispatched within 4 weeks
£29.95 £29.95
Communication is the essential element, the fundamental principle of this book. It unifies the guidelines offered and the methods and materials described. This book suggests guidelines and examples to assist the teacher in creating a standards-based classroom in which communication has the highest priority. This book consists of eight sections 'Fundamentals', 'Planning', 'The Learning Experience', 'Performance and Feedback', 'Environment', 'Learning Tools', 'Professionalism and Collaboration', and 'Programs', discussing such practical topics as curriculum planning, strategies for building toward proficiency, connecting language and culture, using assessment to help learners and programs grow, managing the learning environment, using learning tools effectively, developing professional teachers, and planning and implementing effective programs. The fifth edition presents new sections and chapters on technology, assessment, teaching grammar, using stories and children’s literature, and integrates additional examples of differentiated instruction activities, student-created work, revised guidelines for small-group and partner activities, and matrix of activity types as well as insights from guest contributors.
Helena Curtain (U.S.) has a wealth of experience as a language educator and has taught at elementary school through university levels. She served as Foreign Language Curriculum Specialist for the Milwaukee Public Schools for many years and in that capacity coordinated and supervised K–12 foreign language and ESOL programs in a district of 100,000 students. She served as associate professor at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee and directed the Foreign Language and ESOL teacher preparation programs. She is the author of various articles dealing with language instruction. Helena is active professionally and has received state, regional, and national awards for her service to the language teaching profession. She is an internationally known expert on second language teaching methodology and curriculum development, bilingual education, immersion programs, and two-way immersion programs, especially at the elementary school level. She has also served as speaker, consultant, and visiting
海伦娜• 柯顿(Helena Curtain)是一位经验丰富的语言教育家,所教授过的课程覆盖从小学到大学的各个阶段。她是密尔沃基公立学校资深外语课程专家,长期协调和管理拥有10 万名学生的学区的K-12 外语和英语非母语(ESOL)教学项目。她曾任威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校副教授,并指导过外语和英语非母语教师的岗前培训,公开发表了多篇关于语言教学的文章。海伦娜为语言教育事业做出了卓越的贡献,为此,她荣获过美国国家、州、地区等各级殊荣。她是一位享誉全球的语言教育专家,在第二语言教学法、课程研发、双语教学、沉浸式教学和双向沉浸式教学(尤其是在小学阶段)等领域都成就卓著。同时,海伦娜担任31 个国家和地区的客座教授、顾问和访问学者。卡罗尔• 安• 达尔伯格(Carol Ann Dahlberg)是明尼苏达州穆尔黑德坎科迪亚学院教育学终身荣誉教授,她曾为该学院中小学外语教学预备教师开设了多门外语教学法课程。她还教授过K-12 和大学水平的德语课程,独立撰写或与他人合作撰写了多篇文章,获得过美国外语教学学会(ACTFL)和美国德语教学协会(AATG)颁发的多项国家级奖项。卡罗尔是全美语言学习网创始成员,曾担任该网络的第一任主席。她还在国内外担任顾问、课程开发者和早期语言学习研讨会的负责人。