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Office English - It can't be easier!

办公室英语速查大全 + 口语表达句典
SSU Zo ing 许昭暎, GAO Fei 高飞,
Beijing Language & Culture University Press
English, Chinese
236 x 168mm
On OrderTo be dispatched within 4 weeks
Special Price £17.04 £17.04 Regular Price £17.95
Chapter 1上班Tips for Getting to Work Section 1上班方式How to Commute Section 2拼车Let's Ride in a Carpool Section 3上班问候Greetings at Work Section 4迟到事由Excuses for Being Late Chapter 2办公器材的使用Tips for Using Office Machines Section 1传真机的使用Using a Fax Machine Section 2复印机的使用Using a Copy Machine Section 3电脑的使用Using a Computer Section 4网络的使用Using the Internet Section 5文字处理软件的使用Using a Word Processor Section 6电子邮件的使用Using an Email Account Chapter 3邮件的处理Tips for Mail Handling Section 1文件的寄送Sending Documents Section 2国际货物International Shipments Section 3邮件派送状态及延误Status&Delays in Mail Delivery Section 4运输事故索赔Reporting Claims Chapter 4办公用品及办公室管理Office Supplies& Office Maintenance Section 1订购办公用品Ordering Office Supplies Section 2了解办公用品名称The Names of Office Supplies Section 3办公室管理Office Maintenance Chapter 5业务的开展Tips for Working on a Project Section 1业务的分配Assigning the Work Section 2确认业务开展状况Confirming Work Processes Section 3业绩的评价Evaluating Job Performances Section 4业务进行中的障碍Obstacles to Project Implementation Section 5获得批准Getting Approval Chapter 6打电话与接电话Tips for Making&Answering Phone Calls Section 1打电话与接电话Making&Answering Phone Calls Section 2要找的人不能接电话的时候When Someone Is Unavailable Section 3留言及捎口信Leaving&Taking Messages Section 4打错电话Having the Wrong Number Section 5通话中出现的问题Unexpected Problems Section 6自动应答机Answering Machines Chapter 7预约Tips for Making Appointments Section 1预约Making Appointments Section 2变更预约Changing Appointments Section 3取消与确认预约Canceling&Confirming Appointments Chapter 8来访办公室Tips for Visiting the Office Section 1询问来访目的Asking the Purpose of a Visit Section 2请访客稍等片刻Asking Visitors to Wait Section 3告知办公室位置Giving Directions Section 4问候访客Greeting Visitors Chapter 9关于公司AII about the Company Section 1介绍公司Introducinga Company Section 2公司规定Company Regulations Section 3工资与福利Salaries&Benefits Section 4升职与嘉奖Promotions&Rewards Section 5歧视与骚扰Discrimination&Harassment Section 6解雇与离职Discharge&Retirement Section 7工作调动与入职申请Transference&Job Applications Chapter 10各种问候方式Tips for Various Greetings Section 1打招呼Saying Hello Section 2假期问候Holiday Greetings Section 3欢迎新员工Greeting New Employees Section 4祝贺升职及优异表现Congratulations on Promotions and Excellent Performance Section 5退休问候Greetings on Retirement Chapter 11社交对话Tips for Soaal Conversation Section 1业余生活及兴趣爱好Avocations&Hobbies Section2休假计划及旅行Vacation Plans&Travelling Section 3缓解压力的方法Some Ways to Relieve Stress Section 4天气与季节The Weather&Season Section 5经济与股票Economics&Stocks Section 6约会与理想类型Dates&ldeal Types Chapter 12表达感情Tips for Expressing Emotions Section 1高兴与喜悦Joy&Delight SectiOn 2挫折与安慰Frustration&Consolation Section 3后悔与担忧Regret&Worry Section 4不高兴与愤怒Displeasure&Anger Section 5紧张与不安Tension&Anxiety Chapter 13公司内部会议Interoffice Nieetings Section 1会议准备Preparing a Meeting Section 2会议召开Calling a Meeting Section 3会议开始Getting a Meeting Started Section 4交流意见Sharing Opinions Section 5赞成与反对Agreement or Disagreement Section 6会议总结Concluding a Meeting Section 7营销会议Marketing Meetings Section 8销售会议Sales Meetings Section 9财务会计会议Finance and Accounting Meetings Chapter 14休息及午餐时间Breaks&Lunchtime Section 1休息Taking Breaks Section 2吃午餐Having Lunch Section 3预订午餐Ordering Lunch Chapter 15下班及早退Cetting off Work and Leaving Work Early Section 1下班及加班Getting off Work&Working Overtime Section 2整理办公室Oftice Organizing Tips Section 3早退与缺勤Leaving Work Early&Absences Chapter 16下班后的聚餐Having Staff Dinners Section 1邀请别人共进晚餐或喝酒Asking Others Out for Dinner or Drinks Section 2与同事共进晚餐Having Dinner with Colleagues Section 3就餐结账Paying for Meals Section 4与同事一起喝酒Having Drinks with Colleagues Chapter 17邀请同事Inviting Co—Workers Section 1邀请客人参加派对Inviting Guests to a Party Section 2举办乔迁派对Having Housewarming Parties Section 3派对结束Ending Parties