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Passing Through the Gateless Barrier: Koan Practice for Real Life

GU Guo
229 x 152mm
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The classic thirteenth-century collection of Zen koans with one of the most accessible commentaries to date, from a Chinese Zen teacher. For more than eight centuries the 'Gateless Barrier' has been studied by Zen (or Chan) practitioners in order to bring about meditative realizations about the nature of ultimate reality. Compiled by Chan Master Wumen Huikai in the thirteenth century, the 'Gateless Barrier' (Chinese: 'Wumen guan'; Japanese: 'Mumonkan') is a collection of forty-eight koans stories of the sayings and actions of Chan Masters in which they freely and directly express their enlightened experience. This fresh English translation by Guo Gu the first from a Chinese Chan teacher is one of the most accessible to date, and his commentary brings new life to these classic teachings.'
GUO GU (Dr. Jimmy Yu) is one of the late Master Sheng Yen's senior and closest disciples. He assisted Master Sheng Yen (1930-2009) in leading intensive retreats throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. Guo Gu also edited and translated a number of Master Sheng Yen's books from Chinese to English. Guo Gu first learned meditation at the age of four from Master Guangqin (1892-1986), one of the most respected Taiwanese meditation masters. In 1982, Guo Gu began meditation practice with Master Sheng Yen, and was eventually ordained a monk. He became Sheng Yen's first personal attendant and translator, traveling worldwide with him. In 1995, he received inka (the seal of approval) for his first Chan experience, and was given permission by Master Sheng Yen to teach Chan independently. In 2000, Guo Gu left monasticism and re-entered lay life. He received his PhD in Buddhist Studies from Princeton University and is now teaching Buddhism and East Asian religions academically as an assistant professor at Florida State University, Tallahassee. He founded the Tallahassee Chan Group ( and is also the guiding teacher for the Western Dharma Teachers Training course at the Chan Meditation Center in New York and the Dharma Drum Lineage. He is the author of the eBook single' The Essence of Chan.'