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Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms

Jack Croft Richards 杰克·克罗夫特·理查兹, Charles Lockhart 查尔斯·洛克哈特, WANG Tiamiao 王添淼
Beijing Language & Culture University Press
English, Chinese
260 x 185mm
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This book approaches teacher training from aspects such as classroom observation, teaching theories, methods and thinking of language teaching, aiming at improving teachers' ability in self-reflection, self-inquiry and self-evaluation, making it an effective means to promote teachers' professional development. There are altogether nine chapters in the book: approaches to classroom investigation in teaching; exploring teachers' beliefs; focus on the learner; teacher decision making; the role of the teacher; the structure of a language lesson; interaction in the second language classroom; the nature of language learning activities; language use in the classroom. Each chapter poses some questions to stimulate readers' further reflection on the topics discussed. Each chapter ends with some suggestions for readers to conduct follow-up activities, such as journal writing, peer observation, classroom surveys, action research, etc.
Jack Croft Richards is an internationally renowned specialist in second and foreign language teaching, an applied linguist and educator, the author of numerous professional books for English language teachers, and the author of many widely used textbooks for English language students. Dr. Richards, who has worked in New Zealand, Canada, Indonesia, Singapore, and Hong Kong among other countries and regions, is a veteran teacher of language courses, including the development of syllabuses, teaching theories, pedagogical grammar, and English as a second language. In early 1980s, Dr. Richards worked in Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a professor and the dean of the English Department. His Language Teaching in Context (Cambridge) has won a Kenneth W. Mildenberger award. Charles Lockhart is now working in the Chan Feng Men-Ling Chan Shuk-Lin Center (City University of Hong Kong) as a teacher and language project manager. Mr. Lockhart’s research focuses on teacher training, language testing, and curriculum theory. Mr. Lockhart has published many academic papers and has worked in many countries including the United States, Egypt, and Turkey. Wang Tianmiao, a graduate from the Graduate School of Education of Peking University, is now an associate professor in PKU’s School of Chinese as a Second Language. Ms. Wang’s research interests include teacher development, student development, and pedagogy of Chinese as a second language. She has taught many language courses targeted at international students and graduate students and has been in charge of many state and university level projects. Wang has published two academic treatises, six CSL textbooks, and over 40 academic papers.
杰克·克罗夫特·理查兹(Jack Croft Richards),曾任美国夏威夷大学英语作为第二语言教学系教授,在应用语言学方面有独到建树。所教授课程包括语言教学大纲研制、教学理论、教育语法学、英语作为第二语言等。曾先后在新西兰、加拿大、印度尼西亚、新加坡和香港等国家和地区工作,有丰富的语言教学研究和实践经验。80年代初任香港理工大学英语系教授和系主任,在此期间主持特殊用途英语教学项目和教师培训工作。1985年由剑桥大学出版社出版的《教学语言情境》(Language Teaching in Context)一书荣获现代语言协会Kenneth W. Mildenberger奖。查尔斯·洛克哈特(Charles Lockhart),现任教于香港城市学院Chan Feng Men-Ling Chan Shuk-Lin中心,是该中心语言服务项目负责人。主要研究方向为教师教育、语言测试和课程论,已发表多篇学术论文。曾在美国、埃及和土耳其等国任教。王添淼,毕业于北京大学教育学院,现为北京大学对外汉语教育学院副教授,博士,硕士研究生导师。主要研究方向为教师发展、学生发展和对外汉语教学法。曾教授多门留学生语言课程,并教授研究生课程《对外汉语教学专题研究——教育学》和《教师发展概论》。主持国家社科基金项目、全国教育科学“十一五”规划项目、北京大学“北大研究”重点项目、北京大学研究生课程建设项目、北京大学教材建设项目等。已出版专著2部,国际汉语教材6部,在《世界汉语教学》《语言教学与研究》《语言文字应用》《汉语学习》《中国文化研究》《教育理论与实践》《外国教育研究》等学术刊物发表文章40余篇。