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睡眠革命: 如何让你的睡眠更高效

SLEEP: Redefine Your Rest, for Success in Work, Sport and Life
Nick Littlehales 尼克•利特尔黑尔斯, WANG Min 王敏,
Beijing United Publishing Co., Ltd
208 x 146mm
On OrderTo be dispatched within 4 weeks
Special Price £20.46 £20.46 Regular Price £21.95
Nick Littlehales wants to redefine the very meaning of the word sleep' - Daily Telegraph 'Nick Littlehales has reconfigured the bedrooms of a legion of international sporting stars . . . He has a unique and encyclopaedic knowledge' - Guardian 'Sleep guru Nick Littlehales trains elite athletes to get the best possible rest' - Daily Mail Proven solutions for better nights, from the 'sleep guru' to sports stars including Cristiano Ronaldo One third of our lives are spent trying to sleep. Most us have disturbed, restless nights and rely on a cocktail of caffeine and sugar to drag us through the day. Yet the hours we spend in bed shape our mood, motivation and decision-making skills - defining our performance in work, at home and while keeping fit. We need a new approach to sleep. In this ground-breaking book, Nick Littlehales, elite sleep coach to some of the world's leading sports stars and teams, lays bare his strategies for us all to use. Discover how to map your own sleep cycle, what the optimum room temperature is, which bedding is best and why napping is actually good for you. Read Sleep, learn from the best in sport, and kickstart a more confident, successful and happier you.
Nick Littlehales is the leading elite sport sleep coach to the biggest names in the sporting world, including British Cycling and Team Sky's recording-breaking cyclists, top Premiership and international football teams and players, Rugby Union and Rugby League, and Olympic and Paralympic athletes. Chairman of the UK Sleep Council and a former professional golfer, he has thiry years' experience in the world of sleep science, and has spent sixteen years working with elite athletes. His proven approach to achieving the optimum night's sleep is endorsed by leading professionals in sport and business.
36氪、十点读书、凤凰读书、新京报、思想聚焦、谷声熊、warfalcon、灼见、洞见等公众平台热议话题,上市不足一个月紧急加印!英超曼联御用运动睡眠教练30余年研究成果大公开,打破8小时定式,7周彻底改善睡眠质量。用更科学的睡眠方案,优化你的人生效率! 英超曼联御用运动睡眠教练尼克·利特尔黑尔斯首度公开其创造的R90睡眠方案,提出修复睡眠的七大关键指标,颠覆八小时健康睡眠的传统定式,重新定义睡眠方式,有效掌握在适宜睡眠时间里获得更高质量睡眠的新方法,从而开启更自信、更快乐的人生。
首屈一指的运动睡眠教练,英国睡眠协会前任会长,从事睡眠科学研究超过30年,所提出的R90睡眠方案,获得了体育界和商界顶尖专业人士的一致认同,被视为是获得高效睡眠的理想方案。 他曾为包括NBA、英国天空车队,英超足球联赛选手和奥运金牌得主在内的诸多顶级团队和运动员提供咨询服务和长期合作,大卫·贝克汉姆、瑞恩·吉格斯、保罗·斯科尔斯、尼基·巴特和内维尔兄弟等体育名将,都是其睡眠方案的获益者。