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Stories of Chinese People's Lives: Taste of Love

中国人的生活故事 - 爱的味道
Confucius Institute 孔子学院总部,
Foreign Languages Teaching & Research Press
English, Chinese
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184 x 134mm
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Stories of Chinese People's Lives selects stories about common Chinese people through which readers can experience Chinese people's emotional world and have a better understanding of China and its people. Introduction, cultural notes as well as key word explanations are included and readers can also know the HSK level of each story. Audio clips are easily downloaded through the QR code on the back covers. This series of books are a good help for Chinese language learners to improve their reading proficiency.

The book series Stories of Chinese People’s Lives aims to introduce Chinese people’s daily life and their stories to Chinese learners and those who are interested in China, and to help them understand more about China and Chinese people
The first collection of Stories of Chinese People’s Lives is published in pocket size. It contains 8 books on different themes: Taste of Love, Colorful Culture, Silent Kinship, Stages of Life, Scenes in Society, Sceneries of the World, Poems from the Heart, Wisdom of Life. Each book includes 8 texts, containing pieces from both famous authors and ordinary people. These texts reflect almost every aspect of modern Chinese life from different perspectives.
The series has the following features:
1. Key vocabulary is explained at the bottom of each page, helping learners to achieve coherence in their reading. The glossary is attached at the end of each book for learners’ reference.
2. The bilingual guide and notes for each text also assist readers in reducing comprehension barriers and understanding these authentic Chinese stories better.
3. Each text corresponds to a specific HSK level, allowing learners to select accordingly and prepare for the test of a certain level.
4. Beautiful illustrations for each text make the stories more vivid and accessible.
5. The small and light design makes the pocket-sized books easier to read and carry, and also reduces learners’ stress while reading.
6. Audio resources are accessed by scanning the QR code on the back cover of each book, allowing learners to improve listening and speaking skills.
7. Fine Chinese style postcards of different themes have been attached to each book.
以便携口袋书的形式推出,按主题分为8个分册:《爱的味道》《多彩文化》《亲情无声》《人生阶梯》《社会万象》《世间风景》《心灵诗篇》《智慧生活》,每个分册共收录8篇文章,从名家名篇到普通人手笔,这些选文从各个角度全方位地展现着现代中国人生活的方方面面。 《中国人的生活故事》具有如下特点: 1.书后附全书词汇索引,便于读者查阅。 2.设置中英文'导语'和文后'注释'两个板块,减少读者的阅读障碍,帮助他们更好地理解这些原汁原味的中国故事。 3.每篇文章标注对应的HSK等级,为读者选择读物时提供参考依据,也有利于读者选择该系列读物作为学习备考辅助材料使用。 4.每篇文章搭配精心绘制的插图,图文并茂,使故事内容更加丰富生动,增强图书的可读性。 5.以口袋书的形式,采用小开本、轻型纸的设计,便于阅读、携带,也可减轻汉语学习者阅读时的心理压力,轻松开卷。 6.图书配套提供声音资源,读者扫描每册封底二维码,即可获得对应分册的录音材料,一边读一边听,在品味故事的同时提高中文听说水平。 7.根据每册主题设计中国风精美明信片,附赠读者。 希望通过这套《中国人的生活故事》,能够使更多汉语学习者以及对中国、对中国文化感兴趣的人更加了解中国社会,了解其中的温情冷暖;更加了解中国人,了解他们的朴实怀。同时,希望这套读物也能够作为汉语学习的辅助材料,帮助更多的学习者有效提高中文阅读理解能力,提高中文水平。