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Ten Level Chinese Level 7 - Intensive Reading Textbook

拾级汉语 - 第7级 - 精读课本 (2 CDs)
WU Zhongwei 吴中伟, GAO Shunquan 高顺全, TAO Lian 陶炼
Beijing Language & Culture University Press
English, Chinese
192 x 136mm
On OrderTo be dispatched within 4 weeks
Special Price £7.92 £6.60 Regular Price £8.34
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Ten Level Chinese is a Chinese textbook series compiled for the international students taking long-term Chinese courses in China. Considering the different levels of the students, the different native language they speak, and the large amount of learning hours per week, the series is specially designed to help the Chinese beginners to develop their Chinese skills comprehensively and to cultivate their language and communication ability.
The whole series is arranged based on the scientific classification of the learners’ language levels. In each level, there is paralleling training of four skills. Altogether there are 10 levels: the Threshold leads the learners into the world of Chinese in a relaxing manner; Levels 1-4 are for the elementary stage, emphasizing integrated skills training with combination of listening and speaking; Levels 5-8 are for the intermediate stage, focusing on sub-skill training with separate listening, speaking, reading and writing courses; Levels 9-10 are for the advanced stage, containing courses in news listening, social issues, etc.
The features of this series are:
1. Carefully designed levels; progress level by level
According to the placement exam scores, the students are put into different levels. In each level they receive the comprehensive training of the four skills and progress level by level. Upon finishing all the levels, they can reach the advanced stage.
2. Multiple cycling of language points; deepen learnt knowledge step by
Each volume is complete on its own. The language points in volumes are not simply connected in sequential order, but arranged spirally, which enable the learners to better grasp what they’ve learnt in each level.
3. Complete in sets vertically and horizontally; supplement each other
(1) It takes both systematism and practicality into consideration. Progressive learning is emphasized; meanwhile, the order is adjustable according to the learners’ practical needs. The integrated course, reading and writing course emphasizes systematism; while the listening and speaking course and the extensive reading course emphasize the practicality.
(2) The course type changes according to the levels. In the elementary stage, it is mainly integrated; in the intermediate, there are separate skills training; and in the advanced, it moves to the specialization of language abilities.
(3) Writing styles are introduced. In each course, there are specific writing styles and the corresponding instruction; and the courses together supplement each other in provide a comprehensive introduction of Chinese writing styles.
(4) Vocabulary teaching is included in every course to average the load.
4. Simple and practical; innovative and developmental
(1) It provides easy operation of teaching, simple arrangement of blocks and friendly design of layout.
(2) It emphasizes the interestingness and authenticity of the content, as well as the communicativeness and practicality of teaching.
(3) It adopts the latest achievements in research of Chinese language, Chinese acquisition and teaching, and integrates the features of task-based teaching, with focus on vocabulary and character training.
The series altogether contains 45 volumes in 10 levels. Currently Threshold and Integrated Textbook in Level 1 and News Listening in Level 9 have been published. News Listening in Level 10 is to be published soon. And the other volumes will be published before the end of 2008.
Gao Shunquan, Ph.D., is a professor in Fudan University whose research covers Modern Chinese Grammar, Education of Chinese as a Foreign Language and Acquisition of Chinese as a Second Language. Mr. Gao’s treatises include A Three-Dimensional Study on Grammar and A Study of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language.
《拾级汉语》是为来华长期进修生编写的系列汉语教材,针对长期进修生起点水平参差不齐、母语背景多样、周课时较多的特点设计,旨在发展学习者听说读写综合语言技能,培养学习者的语言能力和交际能力。本套教材细化级次,纵横配套,横向分技能,纵向分级别。全套教材共10个级别:入门阶段设起步课本,实现轻松跨越;初级阶段为1~4级,以综合为主,注重听说结合;中级阶段为5~8级,注重分技能训练,听、说、读、写课程分开;高级阶段为9~10级,关注专项语言能力,设新闻听力、社会焦点等课程。本套教材的特点是: 1.细化级次,逐层递进。  学习者通过分班考试,根据汉语水平,对应不同级次,编入相应班级,从而各得其所,拾级而上。在教材设计上,按级分册(另加“起步课本”1册),分别配置相应的听、说、读、写课本,从而构成本套纵横配套的教材系列。全部学完,学习者可达到汉语水平考试高级水平。 2.多重循环,逐步深化。每册教材在内容上具有相对的完整性,各册教材在语言项目上的联系不是靠简单的承接,而是靠螺旋式的小循环来实现。这样,学习者可以根据自己的水平,在不同的级次上进入本教材的学习序列。 3.纵横配套,相辅相成。(1)兼顾系统性和实用性。一方面要循序渐进,另一方面要急用先学,综合课、读写课系列侧重于系统性,听说课、泛读课系列侧重于实用性。(2)课型随教学阶段的变化而变化,在初级阶段以综合为主,中级阶段加强技能训练的针对性,高级阶段适当考虑语言能力的专门化。(3)区分语体风格。各课型在语体特色和语体教学上各有侧重,相互配合。(4)词汇教学由各门课共同承担,实现总词汇量的分流。 4.简明实用,发展创新。(1)注意教学安排的可操作性,板块处理的简明性,版面设计的人性化。(2)重视课文内容的趣味性、真实性,强调语言教学的交际性、实用性。(3)吸收汉语本体研究成果、汉语学习规律和汉语教学规律的研究成果。重视语汇教学、汉字教学,吸收任务型教学法的特点。本套教材共10级45本。