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The Evening and the Morning
Ken Follett 肯.福莱特,
Jiangsu Phoenix Fine Arts Publishing
185 x 130mm
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Special Price £34.14 £34.14 Regular Price £35.95
In 997 AD, the land of England was plunged into endless darkness-  Viking pirates were rampant, monarchs and nobles were divided into courts, clergymen were greedy and indulged, and prisoners of war and slaves were wailing everywhere. Edgar, the shipbuilder, was forced to move to a wild land due to a pirate invasion, his life has changed a little bit, but he has lost love one after another. The scam; the monk Aldred, with extraordinary dreams, tried to eliminate the licentiousness, but was accidentally involved in the bishop's conspiracy. The three people who originally had no intersection, because of their thirst for justice and fairness, their destinies are tightly intertwined...
Ken Follett, the world's best-selling novelist, the winner of the Allan Poe Master of Life Award, and a member of the Royal Society of Letters. 36 novels have been translated into 33 languages, published in more than 80 countries, and accumulated sales of more than 170 million copies. In the European and American publishing world, the name Ken Flatt is a guarantee of best-selling. In 1978, he won the Poe Award for his suspenseful novel 'The Eye of the Needle', and he rose to fame and wrote full-time ever since. In 2010, he won the International Master of Thriller and Suspense Award. In 2013, he won the Allan Poe Master of Life Award. Ken Flatt is good at using modern brushstrokes to trace the heaviness and grandeur of history, and using fictional characters to reveal the ups and downs of fate. Before creating 'Dark Night and Dawn', he spent 3 years traveling to many places in Europe for research, such as Bayeux Tapestry Museum, Viking Ship Museum, Sutton Hoo, etc., just to recreate the magnificent historical scenes for readers.
公元997年,英格兰大地陷入无边黑暗—— 维京海盗肆虐横行,君王贵族分庭抗礼,神职人员贪色纵欲,战俘奴隶遍地哀号。造船匠埃德加,因海盗侵袭被迫迁到蛮荒之地,生活稍现转机却接连痛失所爱;诺曼贵族之女蕾格娜,满怀憧憬远嫁英格兰,却发觉联姻是场蓄谋已久的骗局;修士奥尔德雷德,怀抱不凡梦想,试图肃清淫邪之风,却意外卷进主教的阴谋。本来毫无交集的三人,因对正义与公平的渴求,命运紧紧交织……
肯•福莱特(Ken Follett)世界畅销小说大师,爱伦•坡终身大师奖得主,英国皇家文学学会会员。36部小说被译成33种语言,在80多个国家出版,累计销量超1.7亿册。在欧美出版界,肯•福莱特这个名字就是畅销的保证。1978年,他凭借悬疑小说《针眼》获得爱伦•坡奖,声名鹊起,从此专职写作。2010年,获得国际惊悚悬疑大师奖。2013年,获得爱伦•坡终身大师奖。肯•福莱特擅长用现代的笔触描摹历史的厚重恢弘,用虚构的人物揭示命运的跌宕起伏。在创作《暗夜与黎明》前,他耗时3年辗转欧洲多地进行考据,如巴约挂毯博物馆、维京海盗船博物馆、萨顿胡等,只为给读者重现一个个波澜壮阔的历史现场。