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沙漠中的那片胡杨林 - 每天读点英语美文

The Populus Euphratica Forest in the Desert - Beautiful English Every Day
QING Run 青闰, ZHANG Ximei 张喜梅,
Foreign Languages Press
English, Chinese
228 x 146mm
On OrderTo be dispatched within 4 weeks
Special Price £6.78 £6.78 Regular Price £7.95
“每天读点英语美文”系列丛书共分为五册,分别为青春篇、奋斗篇、坚守篇、逆境篇和幸福篇。本套丛书的内容涉及心态、挫折、意志、幸福等人生课题,涵盖生活的方方面面。书中的故事短小精炼,包含深刻的生活哲理和无穷的人生智慧,点燃我们内心深处的智慧火花。 本套系列丛书为中英文双语对照,文中选取的优美文章具有很强的学习功能。每篇文章之后,均设有“热词互动”、“译笔生辉”、“妙语连珠”等拓展学习版块,可以让读者在欣赏美文的同时,还能边阅读边运用,既提高了阅读水平,又提升了运用能力。每当华灯初上,白天的喧哗与骚动渐渐平息,携一卷美文,品一杯香茗,感受文字带给你的无限魅力,是何等美妙和惬意! 本书就是该系列丛书之《沙漠中的那片胡杨林(坚守篇)》,由青闰、张喜梅编译。
The Integrity of Gandhi 甘地的坚守 Nobility and Perfection 高尚与完美 Old Wood Burns Easily 老柴易燃 The Distance of Success 成功的距离 Become a Buddha 修成正果 Be the Best as I Can 做最好的自己 In finite Potential 无限潜能 Occupy It with Virtues 用美德占领 The Hunter and an Eaglet 猎人和小鹰 The God of Soul 灵魂的上帝 The Starting Point for the Valley 山谷的起点 Kindnessand Weakness 善良与软弱 Stonecutter and Plasterer 石匠与泥水匠 Recover the Sight 重见光明 The Poet's Garden 诗人的花园 Woolworth's Good Idea 伍尔沃斯的金点子 Life Is like a Burning Match 生命就像燃烧的火柴 Advantage Is Also Disadvantage 优势也是劣势 I Just Have a Try 我只不过试了一下 The Path Is Fragrant 花香满径 The Way to Success 成功之道 A Sacred Goal 神圣的目标 A Shortcut to the Target 通往目标的捷径 Read and You Will Know 读读书,你就知道了 Weeds and Crops 杂草与庄稼 Life Is Like Tasting Tea 人生就像品茶 A Dream Came True 梦想成真 Lincoln and the Birds 林肯与小鸟 Open theWindow 打开窗户 The Inspiration from an Ant 蚂蚁的启示 The Powerof Flying 飞翔的力量 It Depends on the Size of the Barrel 要看桶的大小 Put You at a Disadvantage 放在劣势 The Source of Courage 勇气的来源 Grow Great by Dreams 因梦想而伟大 A Strong Person Will Only Go Ahead 强者只会勇往直前 Make Lemonade 做成柠檬汁 The Master of Your Own Strength 主宰自己的力量 Subtle Influence 潜移默化 No Storm,No Rainbow 不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹 The Skydiving of a Blind Man 盲人跳伞 Moongazing 望月 Standingat the Top of the Mountain 站在山顶上 The Turning Point of Success 成功的转折点 No Absolutely Great Thing 没有绝对伟大的东西 The Stone and the Blossom 石头与花儿 Footprints Can Be Found on theMuddy Road 泥泞的路才能留下脚印 The Elephant and the Fly 大象和苍蝇 Put down the Glass 放下玻璃杯 What Shape Is Water? 水是什么形状 It Gives Fragrance 给予馨香 King Solomon's Ring 所罗门王的戒指 God Won't Abandon You 上帝不会抛弃你 BeYourself 做一回自己 Get off When They Arrive 到站下车 The Cost of Breaking Faith 失信的代价 Keep Awake 清醒自如 Carpe Diem 抓住今天 The Thin Fried Potato Chips 薄薄的炸薯片 Patience and Tenacity 耐心与坚韧 The Snailand the Rose Tree 蜗牛与玫瑰树 Greet This Day with Love 用爱迎接今天 The Climate of the Love 爱的氛围 Straighten Your Chest 挺起胸膛 The Seed of Faith 信念的种子 No Mountain Higher Than People 没有比人更高的山 A Promise of Spring 春天的承诺 Black Horse 黑骏马 The Stone Dog 石狗 Crossing the Finish Line 穿越终点线