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Tides from the West: A Chinese Autobiography

JIANG Menglin 蒋梦麟,
Foreign Languages Teaching & Research Press
English, Chinese
226 x 154mm
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This volume will try to tell the story of what has happened in China during the last hundred years, from the cession of Hongkong in 1842 to the blitzkrieg of Pearl Harbor in 1941, with emphasis on the latter half of that period. A century is a long time, but of China's more than four thousand years of history it is but a small fraction, less than one fortieth. Yet the change China has gone through in that brief span is unprecedented in her long life. And now more rapid changes on a still larger scale are about to take place. Since the first exchange of gunfire at Marco Polo Bridge the attention of the world has been drawn to China. The heroic resistance at Shanghai, Taierchuan, and Changsha has evoked sympathy and admiration in the hearts of millions of China's friends throughout the world. The part China is destined to play in the affairs of nations will be of great interest to the world in the period before us. She has been appraised somewhat too high by her well-wishers and somewhat too low by those who do not know her. In either case the interest is there and the fact remains that she has fought almost singlehanded, for eight long, suffering years, a strong enemy sustained by religious-patriotic fanaticism, superior weapons, and efficient organization. Neither by her friends nor by her own efforts could China be lifted overnight to the level of modern industrialized democracies; nor could she be exterminated by her enemies in a few years or even a few centuries. In the time ahead of us she will become a focus of attention for the world, since future peace--at least one of the major factors of peace--will depend much on a prosperous and strong China. How is this great country to be made prosperous an strong? The problem must be solved by herself alone. Effective co-operation of friendly Powers will accelerate her success, but she alone must bear the responsibility of making herself worthy to be a leading partner of peace in the world. China is a nation neither of angels nor of incompetents; she is a nation of common mortals with feelings, ideas, love and hate, hopes and despair, beauty and ugliness, accomplishments and . . .
序言罗家伦 序 前言:边城昆明 第一部 满清末年 壹西风东渐 贰乡村生活 叁童年教育 肆家庭影响 伍山雨欲来风满楼 陆继续就学 柒参加郡试 捌西化运动 第二部 留美时期 玖负笈西行 拾美国华埠 拾壹纽约生活 第三部 民国初年 拾贰 急剧变化 拾叁 军阀割据 拾肆 知识分子的觉醒 拾伍 北京大学和学生运动 拾陆 扰攘不安的岁月 第四部 国家统一 拾柒 宪政的试验 抬捌 中山先生之逝世 拾玖 反军阀运动 贰拾 国民党之出掌政权 第五部 中国生活面面观 贰壹 陋规制度 贰贰 社会组织和社会进步 贰叁 迷人的北京 贰肆 杭州、南京、上海、北京 第六部 抗战时期 贰伍 东北与朝鲜 贰陆 战云密布 贰柒 抗战初期 贰捌 战时的长沙 贰玖 日军入侵前夕之越南与缅甸 叁拾 大学逃难 叁壹 战时之昆明 第七部 现代世界中的中国 叁贰 中国与日本——谈敌我之短长 叁叁 敌机轰炸中谈中国文化 叁肆 二次大战期间看现代文化 注释 编后记