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Good Fortune - Designs of Chinese Blessings

中华五福吉祥图典 - 福
HUANG Quanxin 黄全信, HUANG Ying 黄迎,
English, Chinese
242 x 154mm
In Stock (Only 2 copies left)
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人臻五福 花满三春 May People Enjoy a Life Full of Blessings and May Flowers Bloom Throughout the Spring 一方平安 Peace in this place 一家之主 The master of the family 一路平安 Safe journey 二龙戏珠 Two dragons play a ball 十二章 Twelve patterns 人文初祖 The ancestor of civilization 八吉祥 Eight auspicious things 八音图 The picture of eight musical instruments 八仙过海 Eight immortals cross the ocean 九阳启泰 Nine suns shine 九九消寒图 Winter pictures 三圣同辉 The glory of the Three Sages 三合九重 The summary of auspicious symbology in a picture 三阳开泰 Three suns shine 三纲五常 Ethical standards 三皇开世 Three emperors founded the world 大吉 Big luck 大福寿 Big fortune and longevity 万象回春 Spring returns 万象更新 Everything is renewed 门神镇宅 The door god keeps houses safe 门神守户 The door god protects the home 门神安舍 The door god protects the home 门神御鬼 The door god keeps ghosts away 女娲补天 The goddess patching the sky 天下太平 A peaceful world 天下文明 A civilized world 天师避邪 The heavenly master destroys evil 天师镇宅 The heavenly master exorcises evil spirits 天官赐福 The heavenly officer brings blessings 天禄避邪 The divine deer avoids evil 太平世界 A peaceful world 太平有象 The peaceful world 五客图 A picture of five birds 五毒符 A picture of five deadly creatures 五毒协合 Killing the five deadly creatures 五福和合 The five types of happiness 日月合璧 The sun and the moon shine together 日月光辉 The sun and the moon radiate together 仓颉造字 Cang Jie invented Chinese characters 凤羽祥云 Phoenix feather and lucky clouds 文运昌盛 The promising career of civil officials 双福 Double happiness 本固枝荣 Deeply rooted foundations foster prosperous growth 平升五福 Five blessings rising from the bottle 平安双福 Double happiness and peace 平安有福 Happiness and peace 四象 Four images 四君子 The four gentlemen 四瑞图 The four mascots 四时平安 Peace at all times 四季平安 Peace at all times 四季安泰 Peace at all times 春安 Peace in spring