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High Salary - Designs of Chinese Blessings

中华五福吉祥图典 - 禄
HUANG Quanxin 黄全信, HUANG Ying 黄迎,
English, Chinese
242 x 154mm
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May People Enjoy a Life Full of Blessings and May Flowers Bloom Throughout the Spring 一甲一名 Number One scholar 一品当朝 Highest ranking official 一品清廉 Virtuous high—ranking official 一琴一鹤 One qin and one crane 一路连科 Continual success in examinations 一路荣华 Glory all one’s life 二甲传胪 The enumeration of top students 八骏马 Eight fine horses 九 章 Nine decorative patterns 九 锡 The emperor’s nine gifts 九 雏 Nine nestlings 三 清 Three Taoist Gods 三元五福 Three top students and five happinesses 三元及第 Three top students in the imperial examinations 三元报喜 The announcement of a top student in the imperial examinations 大人虎变 Unpredictable changes of powerful people 孔子讲学 Confucius teaching 夕牛望日 An old OX looks at the sun 马上封侯 Immediately become a high official 云龙风虎 Dragon of the cloud,tiger of the wind 太师少师 Old and young imperial teachers 太师童子 Old and young imperial teachers 五 瑞 Five propitious kinds of iade 五子登科 Five sons passing the imperial examinations 五子连登 Five sons passing the imperial examinations 五子连科 Five sons passing the imperial examinations 五子日升 Five sons like the rising sun 五子夺冠 Five sons become champions 五子夺莲 Five sons compete for the lotus 五子夺魁 Five sons become top students 丹凤朝阳 The phoenix flies towards the sun 凤鸣朝阳 The phoenix sings towards the sun 朝阳鸣凤 The sun rises and the phoenixes sing 文武状元 Number One scholars 文官补子 The decoration of a civil official’s uniform 武官补子 The decoration of a military official’s uniform 夫荣妻贵 A glorious husband,a noble wife 玉树芝兰 The noble magnolia,irises and orchids 玉树临风 Magnolia faces the wind 平升三级 Be promoted three grades in succession 四艺集雅 Four civilized arts 加官进禄 Promotion and salary increase 加官进爵 Promotion 玄女送子 A child—sending goddess 百忍图 The picture of great tolerance 百禄图 A picture of great wealth and good fortune 百鸟朝凤 One hundred birds pay tribute to the phoenix 芝兰竞秀 Irises and orchids compete 当朝一品 The Number One government official 如意状元 Number One candidate 伦叙图 A picture of ethical standards 旭日东升 The sun rises from the east 兰桂齐芳 The orchid and the sweet—scented osmanthus blossom together