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Road to Success: Intermediate - Listening and Speaking

成功之路·跨越篇: 听和说
HU Bo 胡波, HUANG Danna 黄丹纳,
Beijing Language & Culture University Press
English, Chinese
285 x 210mm
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As an intermediate-level integrated textbook in the progressive Chinese textbook series Road to Success, Intermediate Listening and Speaking follows Lower Intermediate Listening and Speaking, preparing students for the advanced stage of learning Chinese. This book combines language skills with social culture and integrates the authors’ successful teaching experience, teaching patterns and research findings, making the content and form of teaching richer and more standard. Each lesson is composed of three sections, namely “Listen”, “Learn” and “Say”. Each section is supported by exercises to immediately and effectively strengthen students’ memory of the expressions, new words and idioms in the section and to improve their learning efficiency. This book is rich in content, centering around popular topics like travel, seeing a doctor, career, marriage, family and social life, etc., enabling students to learn about the current conditions of China and the ideas and life of contemporary Chinese people while learning the Chinese language.
The authors Hu Bo and Huang Danna are both teachers in the College of Advanced Chinese Training of BLCU.
致学习者 1青春一“族” 课文:啃老族 各有各的…… 不管怎么说好在 课文:房奴 这下可好要不……,要不…… ……到家了 2时尚先锋 课文:整容 到头来何乐而不为 该不会……吧 爱美之心,人皆有之犯不着先天不足,后天可补 是金子总会发光的 课文:我看时尚 得了吧就算……也…… 你看看 3艺术人生 课文:文化生活 就……而言恨不得 说不上 v到点子上 心动不如行动 日子还长着呢 课文:话说京剧 结果 可不是嘛 4网络时代 课文:相爱在微博 居然 不由得 乍一看/听 一见如故 沉得住气/沉不住气 课文:网络谣言满天飞 ……还好,但是……又该……呢 措手不及 眼见为实 耳听为虚 复习一 听力部分 短文一:中学生与时尚 短文二:月光族 口语部分 5青春偶像 课文:关于偶像的讨论 那又怎样? 一句话,…… 吃饱了撑的 课文:倾家荡产圆追星梦 就是 倾家荡产 一心一意一贫如洗满世界想得开/想不开 6亲子关系 课文:“中国妈妈” 好家伙 谢天谢地 评头论足 说了算 课文:你爱冒险吗 这话怎么讲? 从那以后 就是说 算得上 适得其反 7学校教育 课文:这样灌输对吗 (你)别说 那是 话又说回来 脱口而出 派上用场 振振有词 耳濡目染 课文:记忆中的高考 ……就好了 前所未有 8人际交往 课文:对话压力 有什么……尽管…… ……呢 明知……,为什么…… 走……的路 无所不在 鸡毛蒜皮的小事 斤斤计较 课文:拒绝别人很难 哪敢……啊害得……该……就/还…… 呼来喝去 说不出口 复习二 听力部分 短文一:现代人的时髦生活 短文二:电视台的生财之道 口语部分 9问话道德 课文:慎用你的道德 A是A,B是B 再……也有个……的时候 A也得A,不A也得A 顺理成章 课文:“四千万”教授 站在……这边话是这么说,可是……一事无成 10社会聚焦 课文:谁来给父母养老 且不说……,就说……吧哪怕……也(好/行)像…… 养儿防老 说不过去 课文:你搭过顺风车吗 不V白不V V还是要V(的) 十有八九 11投资理财 课文:玩玩乐乐也生财 回过头去看 误打误撞 不要把鸡蛋放在一个篮子里 尝到甜头 课文:你的财商怎么样 哪……不(没)…… 即便……也/至少…… 一窍不通 积少成多 12风土人情 课文:过春节 还不如说得一点儿不错不然的话 欢聚一堂装饰一新千篇一律 课文:一位农村父亲对城市儿子的训诫 又能怎么样哪有你这样的 阔别已久 复习三… 听力部分 短文:子贡和子路的故事 对话:北漂 口语部分 词语索引 致教师
The Road to Success Series is a comprehensive, graded Chinese course with 22 volumes. It starts with the Threshold, followed by Lower Elementary (2 levels), Elementary (2 levels), Upper Elementary (3 Levels), Lower Intermediate (2 levels), Intermediate (2 levels), Lower Advanced (2 levels), and Advanced (2 levels). A passage of Chinese texts opens up a unit with new words and phrases and their English translations provided; then teaching points about grammar are explained explicitly, accompanied with plenty of exercises. At the end of each unit, in the section of comprehensive exercises, students can have a recap of what they have just learned in the unit by doing the exercises. This is a well-designed series of textbooks that helps learners build up their foundation of Chinese language skills and develop their skills step by step from a very beginner to a highly advanced Chinese speaker.