《新当代中文》的“变” 与“不变”

The "Contemporary Chinese" series has been welcomed by teachers and students since its publication. After decades of market testing, it has been highly recognized by teachers. Afterward, a multilingual bound volume series and a revised edition series were published through revision.

In order to make the content of the book closer to the development speed of modern society, combined with the new "Standard" launched by the Yuhe Center, on the basis of the original series of books, after several polishing and additions and deletions, we published this set of "New Contemporary Chinese"!

What's new in "New Contemporary Chinese"? How is the new "Standard" reflected in this series of books? How to use the new version? …With these questions in mind, the Chinese Education Society and the International Chinese Education Resource Network under Wuzhou Hanfeng jointly planned the lecture.

The lecture invited Professor Wu Zhongwei, the editor-in-chief of this set of textbooks, and Associate Professor Chen Yu, the deputy editor, to give you an online interpretation.






June 17, 17:00--18:30 (Beijing time)

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复旦大学国际文化交流学院教授,世界汉语教学学会理事。主要研究兴趣为国际中文教育,发表学术论文60余篇,出版专著及教材10余部(含合著、合编 );2002年被评为全国对外汉语教学优秀教师。

Wu Zhongwei

Professor of the School of International Cultural Exchange, Fudan University, and director of the World Chinese Language Teaching Association. His main research interest is international Chinese education. He has published more than 60 academic papers and more than 10 monographs and textbooks (including co-authored and co-edited ones).



Chen Yu

Associate Professor of the School of International Cultural Exchange, Fudan University, the main research interest is international Chinese education. Hosted or participated in more than 10 teaching reform projects at various levels, and the courses he lectured were rated as Shanghai's first-class undergraduate courses and Shanghai's key undergraduate courses. He participated in the first national hybrid teaching design innovation competition and won the third prize.