For a long time, China's rich heritage and traditional cultures inspired a lot of artists and philosophers. The profound Han culture attracted researchers and occupied people's attention, but a few people dig out the traditions and ancient cultures of China's ethnic minorities, particularly in western academia.


Here, a newly released art book challenged this "tradition" of Chinese studies and research, uncovering the beauty and energy of ethnic minorities in China - they are not secret, just powerful.


At this event, we are introducing "China Adorned: Ritual and Custom of Ancient Cultures" with Xinran (Executive Editor-in-Chief of "China Adorned") and Will Spence (Translator of "China Adorned"). They will be bringing the history of "China Adorned" - how this fascinating book came to be published, the translation process, further research regarding "China Adorned"...and more thrilling things during the production of this creative and bold one!

此次活动,我们将与欣然(本书执行主编)和Will Spence(本书译者)一起介绍中国古代文化的礼仪与习俗。 细细讲述这本引人入胜的书的翻译出版过程和关于中国服饰的进一步研究,以及这本极具创意的作品的制作过程中更多激动人心的故事!

About the Speaker

Xinran, a British-Chinese journalist and writer. In the late 1980s, she began working for Chinese Radio. In 1997 she moved to London. In London, she began work on her seminal book about Chinese women's lives "The Good Women of China", a memoir relating many of the stories she heard while hosting her radio show ("Words on the Night Breeze") in China. The book was published in 2002 and has been translated into over thirty languages.

欣然,英籍华人记者、作家。 80年代后期,她开始为中文电台工作。1997 年,她移居伦敦。 在伦敦,她开始着手撰写关于中国女性生活的开创性著作《中国的好女人们》,这是一本回忆录,讲述了她在中国主持广播节目(《夜风中的话语》)时听到的许多故事。 该书于 2002 年出版,已被翻译成三十多种语言。

A collection of Xinran’s Guardian columns from 2003 to 2005, "What the Chinese Don't Eat", was published in 2006. It covers a vast range of topics from food to sex education, and from the experiences of British mothers who have adopted Chinese daughters, to whether Chinese people do Christmas shopping or have swimming pools.


"China Witness: Voices from a Silent Generation" Xinran's fifth book was published in 2008. It is based on twenty years worth of interviews conducted by Xinran with the last two generations in China. Her sixth book "Message from an Unknown Chinese Mother", was published in 2010. It is a collection of heartbreaking stories from Chinese mothers who have lost or had to abandon children.

《见证中国》是欣然的第五本书,于2008年出版。它基于欣然对中国最后两代人进行的长达20年的访谈。 她的第六本书《一位无名中国母亲的来信》于2010年出版,收录了失去或不得不遗弃孩子的中国母亲的心碎故事。

She focused on the transformations of Chinese women's narrative as well. "Promise – Talking Love" is Xinran’s No 8 book, and it was published in 2019. The stories are about Chinese dating in four generations through one family in the last hundred years when China has weathered a deep love and heavy loss.

她也关注中国女性叙事的转变。 《百年承诺/谈恋爱》是欣然的第8本书,出版于2019年。讲述的是中国近百年来一个家族四代相亲相亲相爱的故事。

Xinran set up "The Mothers’ Bridge of Love" (MBL) MBL reaches out to Chinese children in all corners of the world in 2004; by creating a bridge of understanding between China and the West and between adoptive culture and birth culture, MBL ultimately wants to help bridge the huge poverty gap which still exists in many parts of China.

2004年,欣然设立“母爱桥”(MBL),向世界各个角落的华人孩子伸出援手,在中国与西方之间以及收养文化与出生文化之间架起一座理解的桥梁,MBL 最终希望帮助弥合中国许多地区仍然存在的巨大贫困差距。

Will Spence, is a translator, and editor based in London. His literary translations include "The Promise" by Xinran (Bloomsbury, 2019), "China Adorned" (Thames & Hudson, 2022), and two forthcoming works for ACA and Bloomsbury. He also works as a technical translator for Greenpeace, TikTok, Public Group, and others. He was shortlisted for the Society of Authors’ First Translation Prize in 2020.

Will Spence,伦敦翻译、编辑。 他的文学翻译作品包括欣然的《百年承诺/谈恋爱》(Bloomsbury,2019 年)、《China Adorned》(泰晤士与哈德逊出版社,2022 年)以及 ACA 和 Bloomsbury 即将出版的两部作品。 他还为绿色和平组织、TikTok、Public Group 等担任技术翻译。 入围作家协会2020年首届翻译奖。

13:00 GMT, 26/11/2022(SAT), Online Event

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