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Dream in Peony Pavilion

牡丹亭 - 许渊冲文集 12
TANG Xianzu 汤显祖, XU Yuanchong 许渊冲,
Dolphin Books
English, Chinese
218 x 150mm
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Dream in Peony Pavilion is a play written by Tang Xianzu in the Ming Dynasty and first performed in 1598 at the Pavilion of Prince Teng. One of Tang's 'Four Dreams', it has traditionally been performed as a Kunqu opera, but Chuan and Gan opera versions also exist. It is the most popular play of the Ming Dynasty, and is the primary showcase of the Guimendan role type. All Kun theatre troupes include it in their repertoire. Recent adaptations have sought to inject new life into one of China's best-loved classical operas, though such efforts have met with opposition from the Kun opera traditionalists.
Tang Xianzu (September 24, 1550 — July 29, 1616), courtesy name Yireng, was a Chinese playwright of the Ming Dynasty. Tang was a native of Linchuan, Jiangxi and his career as an official consisted principally of low-level positions. He successfully participated in the Provincial examinations at the age of 21 and at the imperial examinations at the age of 34. He held official positions in Nanjing, Zhejiang province, Guangdong province etc.. He retired in 1598 and returned to his hometown where he focused on writing. His major plays are collectively called the Four Dreams, because of the decisive role dreams play in the plot of each one. All of them are still performed (in scenes, or in adapted full versions) on the Chinese Kun opera (kunqu) stage. Generally considered his masterpiece, the Mudan Ting (The Peony Pavilion) has been translated into English several times; each of the other plays has been translated once. Xu Yuanchong (born April 18, 1921 in Jiangxi, China) is a translator of Chinese ancient poets into English and French. Xu took foreign language studies at Tsinghua University after he studied abroad. And after that, he became a professor in English and French. Since 1983 to now, he is professor at Peking University.
序 第一本 第一出 标目 第二出 言怀 第三出 训女 第四出 腐叹 第五出 延师 第二本 第一出 怅眺 第二出 闺塾 第三出 肃苑 第四出 惊梦 第三本 第一出 慈戒 第二出 寻梦 第三出 诀谒 第四出 写真 第四本 第五本
汤显祖(1550—1616),中国明代戏曲家、文学家。字义仍,号海若、若士、清远道人。汉族,江西临川人。汤氏祖籍临川县云山乡,后迁居汤家山(今抚州市)。出身书香门第,早有才名,他不仅于古文诗词颇精,而且能通天文地理、医药卜筮诸书。 许渊冲,生于1921年,北京大学教授,数十年来致力于中国传统文化经典的研究翻译和传播,在国内外出版中英法文作品一百余部,并提出了中国学派的文学翻译理论。1994年,企鹅出版公司出版了许渊冲教授翻译的《中国不朽诗歌三百首》。瑞典诺贝尔文学奖评委,华克维斯特院士称他的翻译是“伟大的中国传统文学的样本”。2010年许教授获得了中国翻译协会颁发的“中国翻译文化终身成就奖”。