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Peach Blooms Painted with Blood

桃花扇 - 许渊冲文集 14
KONG Shangren 孔尚任, XU Yuanchong 许渊冲,
Dolphin Books
English, Chinese
218 x 150mm
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Special Price £17.04 £17.04 Regular Price £17.95
Peach Blooms Painted with Blood (as translated as The Peach Blossom Fan) is a musical play and historical drama in 44 scenes that was completed in 1699 by the early Qing dynasty playwright Kong Shangren after more than 10 years of effort. The play depicts the drama that resulted in the 1644 collapse of the Ming dynasty. The play recounts the death of the Ming dynasty through the love story of its two main characters, young scholar Hou Fangyu and courtesan Li Xiangjun, the Fragrant Princess. The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature has called it 'China's greatest historical drama.'
Kong Shangren (1648 - 1718) was a Qing dynasty dramatist and poet best known for his chuanqi play The Peach Blossom Fan about the last days of the Ming dynasty. The Peach Blossom Fan tells the story of the love story between the scholar Hou Fangyu and the courtesan Li Xiangjun, against the dramatic backdrop of the short history of the Southern Ming. It remains a favourite of the Kun opera (kunqu) stage. Kong Shangren is known as the author of a curious poem dedicated to the eyeglasses, a Western innovation brought to Macau by the Portuguese. Xu Yuanchong (born April 18, 1921 in Jiangxi, China) is a translator of Chinese ancient poets into English and French. Xu took foreign language studies at Tsinghua University after he studied abroad. And after that, he became a professor in English and French. Since 1983 to now, he is professor at Peking University.
序 第一本 一见钟情结良缘 第一出 访翠 第二出 眠香 第三出 却奁 第二本 一封书信阻刀兵 第一出 抚兵 第二出 修札 第三出 投辕 第三本 三罪阻立继位人 第一出 辞院 第二出 哭主 第三出 阻奸 第四本 三番两次逼香君 第一出 拒媒 第二出 守楼 第三出 寄扇 第五本 歌舞声中花泣血 ……
孔尚任(1648-1718年),字聘之,又字季重,号东塘(《随园诗话》所载为东堂),别号岸堂,自称云亭山人。山东曲阜人,孔子六十三代孙,清初诗人、戏曲作家,继承了儒家的思想传统与学术,自幼即留意礼、乐、兵、农等学问,还考证过乐律,为以后的戏曲创作打下了音乐知识基础。世人将他与《长生殿》作者洪升并论,称“南洪北孔”。 许渊冲,生于1921年,北京大学教授,数十年来致力于中国传统文化经典的研究翻译和传播,在国内外出版中英法文作品一百余部,并提出了中国学派的文学翻译理论。1994年,企鹅出版公司出版了许渊冲教授翻译的《中国不朽诗歌三百首》。瑞典诺贝尔文学奖评委,华克维斯特院士称他的翻译是“伟大的中国传统文学的样本”。2010年许教授获得了中国翻译协会颁发的“中国翻译文化终身成就奖”。