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Love in Long-life Hall

长生殿 - 许渊冲文集 13
HONG Sheng 洪昇, XU Yuanchong 许渊冲,
Dolphin Books
English, Chinese
218 x 150mm
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Special Price £20.46 £20.46 Regular Price £21.95
Love in Long-life Hall, also translated as The Palace of Eternal Life, is a play written by Hong Sheng in the Qing Dynasty. He absorbed certain material from the long narrative poem The Song of Everlasting Sorrow written by Bai Juyi and the Zaju Rain on the Paulownia Tree written by Bai Pu. Love in Long-life Hall is acclaimed as one of the China's 'Four Great Classical Dramas', along with The Peony Pavilion, The Peach Blossom Fan and the The Story of the Western Wing. The performance is focused on the everlasting love story of Emperor Ming of the Tang Dynasty and his favorite consort Lady Yang.
Preface ACT Ⅰ Scene 1 Prologue Scene 2 The Pledge Scene 3 The Bribe Scene 4 Spring Siesta Scene 5 Spring Excursion ACT Ⅱ Scene 1 The Mystery Scene 2 Rivalry Scene 3 A Lock of Hair Scene 4 The Recall Scene 5 Prediction ACT Ⅲ Scene 1 Dream Music Scene 2 Recording the Music Scene 3 The Dispute Scene 4 Stealing the Music Scene 5 The Feast Scene 6 The Round Dance ACT Ⅳ Scene 1 The Hunt Scene 2 A Night of Grief ……
Hongsheng (1645 - 1704), the famous Qing drama writer and poet. Xu Yuanchong (born April 18, 1921 in Jiangxi, China) is a translator of Chinese ancient poets into English and French. Xu took foreign language studies at Tsinghua University after he studied abroad. And after that, he became a professor in English and French. Since 1983 to now, he is professor at Peking University.
洪昇(1645年~1704年),清代戏曲作家、诗人。字昉思,号稗畦,又号稗村、南屏樵者。汉族,钱塘(今浙江杭州市)人。生于世宦之家,康熙七年(1668年)北京国子监肄业,二十年均科举不第,白衣终身。代表作《长生殿》历经十年,三易其稿,于康熙二十七年(1688年)问世后引起社会轰动。次年因在孝懿皇后忌日演出《长生殿》,而被劾下狱,革去太学生籍,后离开北京返乡。晚年归钱塘,生活穷困潦倒。康熙四十三年,曹寅在南京排演全本《长生殿》,洪升应邀前去观赏,事后在返回杭州途中,于乌镇酒醉后失足落水而死。洪昇与孔尚任并称“南洪北孔”。 许渊冲,生于1921年,北京大学教授,数十年来致力于中国传统文化经典的研究翻译和传播,在国内外出版中英法文作品一百余部,并提出了中国学派的文学翻译理论。1994年,企鹅出版公司出版了许渊冲教授翻译的《中国不朽诗歌三百首》。瑞典诺贝尔文学奖评委,华克维斯特院士称他的翻译是“伟大的中国传统文学的样本”。2010年许教授获得了中国翻译协会颁发的“中国翻译文化终身成就奖”。